Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Chemistry Olympiad

The Chemistry OlympiadThe American Chemistry Society is holding the World of Science in Moscow, which is the largest chemistry Olympiad in the world. It is the third time the organization has held the event and this year will be a special one. It will feature the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.This is the first time that the competition for the chemistry Olympiad has changed locations. Previously, the event was held in Stockholm, Sweden. However, the Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry announced that it was moving the event to Moscow. This move has become controversial because many countries, such as Russia, China, and India have their own government-sponsored chemistry Olympiads.There are three types of chemistry Olympiads held by the AUSA. The International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary conference for chemists who work in nanotechnology. The second type is the International Symposium on Heat Transfer, where physicists and ch emists share ideas. Finally, the International Conference on Electron Transfer, the Third International Conference on Processes, and the Third International Conference on Molecular Properties. All of these events are all held at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.As for the event's bestowing of honors, both the International Symposium on Heat Transfer and the International Conference on Electron Transfer will be given prizes in the category of Outstanding Paper, which is awarded to the top five papers in each category. The winners in each of these categories are included on the list of winners' podiums. Each winner will also receive a copy of the International Bulletin of Research and Development.The AUSA hopes that the event will encourage more scientists from all over the world to take part in the chemistry Olympiad. This is why they have made the location of the event a secret. Although there is no need to worry about being caught in a police sting, you should still be cau tious with your computer when you visit the website.If you are not familiar with the chemistry Olympiad, you can get an idea of what it consists of by looking at its website. It will tell you what sort of prizes it awards and how the event works. If you have any questions, you can email the AUSA or call them at their toll-free number: (800) 402-0437.Before you go to the Chemistry Olympiad, you should check out the website first. You will be able to see how well prepared you are for the event. You will be required to take an online test before you enter the competition so that you can get a feel for the question types that will be presented during the competition.However, if you do not want to waste your time going to the site, then you can take a few practice tests first before you take the actual competition itself. If you find that you are better at chemistry than you thought, then the chemistry Olympiad might be just what you need to finally complete your chemistry diploma.

Friday, March 20, 2020

What Is a Sublevel in Chemistry?

What Is a Sublevel in Chemistry?It is important to know what is a sublevel in chemistry. Not only will it help you out if you ever want to do organic chemistry, but also if you decide to take a chemistry course for students you know. This is especially true if you are interested in a career in chemistry and want to further your education in this field.What is a sublevel in chemistry? It is actually a very large level of a chemical formula, with the elements arranged in such a way that they make up a higher level. The trick is that the levels are not always arranged in the order they are listed in the book. There are a few examples of how this would work, so let's just take a look at one example. Here are the names for some of the higher levels of hydrochloric acid in this case.At the highest level, it is called H2, but this could be changed to H. Hydrochloric acid at the next level is called H3, but could be called something else too. The book calls it HCN, or 'hydrochloric nitric ac id,' which you can also rename. So, now we can see why we would want to know how these levels in this case are done. To figure out what is a sublevel in chemistry, you need to know what the general name of the chemical is, and the word that goes with it. For example, if you asked someone what is a hydrochloric acid, you would probably get something like 'HS'.It is important to understand the meaning of the words, so you can understand how they are used in the formula. As you probably know, there are actually four levels of hydrochloric acid, all with different names. HS stands for 'hydrochloric' (that is the general term for the elements) H- for hydrogen (the element with one proton in its nucleus), for carbon, and N for nitrogen. When a student reads about these four levels, they will get something like this.If you go back to the book, you will see that there are also four symbols that go with these four levels, and they are also called 'labels'. You will find them on the label of this type of acid, and it is referred to as HHC. If you do some research, you will find that H is what a person would say when he or she talks about this type of acid.Just remember that the level has been divided into four, and H is one of them. If you go to the fourth level, you will find that it is actually HN, which is the very highest level of the chemical. It is important to understand what is a sublevel in chemistry, as the chemicals are all very similar in their chemical makeup.Knowing what is a sublevel in chemistry can help you when you are taking a class. You can then determine how the level should be listed in the book, and then you can have a better understanding of what you are being taught.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor Activity - How to Make Your Class Have a Variety of Interests

Organic Chemistry Tutor Activity - How to Make Your Class Have a Variety of InterestsIf you are a beginning student or a teacher looking for a way to bring life into your classroom, there is an optical activity that you can use to make it more interesting. Here are a few suggestions to consider.To get the most out of this activity, you will need inexpensive equipment such as charts, pencils, index cards, rulers, sticky note pads, colored pens, and any other necessary tools. You should have only basic math skills to start with so you won't need the assistance of a math tutor. The type of graphing calculator you use in your day-to-day work might be fine for this activity. If you are having trouble thinking of something interesting to do, you might want to consider an old-fashioned mechanical pencil, which is just as colorful and fun as the latest electronic ones.In the first place, what is this basic homework activity called? It can be anything related to chemistry, such as graphing ch emistry problems, atomic formulas, or the next big thing in organic chemistry. These activities can be conducted in class or in the playground. One idea might be to put together a Science Fun Day and have students on a slide show and talk about some of the developments in organic chemistry, such as enzymes and DNA structure.Students should also have fun coming up with some funny ideas and see how creative they can be. For example, could a field trip to be arranged to the local zoo? A movie night would be even better, since you can find additional activities in movies such as Dumbo or The Wizard of Oz. In fact, if your class is made up of all girls, you can go to the theater and see The Little Mermaid.Maybe a laser pointer game is a good idea. What if the pupils of each student's eyes could be recorded? With just a little bit of adjustment, you could even have the pupil's color for a gradient in the form of the chemical formula. If you do decide to use a pointer game, make sure that there is something tangible in the eye, such as a book or pencil.One final suggestion for creating a fun activity to use as an organic chemistry tutor is to have students decorate the room by adding dyes and art supplies. Students should be allowed to play with their own chemistry flash cards, just like they would in any other activity. If they want to practice with a graph paper of some kind, allow them to do so.Creating these fun activities to use as a supplement to your course work is important if you are looking for ways to keep your students interested. If you are already struggling with math, be sure to make sure that your students are enjoying themselves as well. You don't want your efforts going in the wrong direction.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

All about Pilates!

All about Pilates! How Can Pilates Benefit Your Life ChaptersWhat Is Pilates?The History Of PilatesThe Principles Of PilatesThe Health Benefits Of PilatesThe Pilates Workouts For BeginnersPilates is a popular exercise, known throughout the world. Each year it continues to rise in popularity as people gain awareness of how important it is to take care of their health. Young and old are frequenting Pilate’s studios worldwide to get better health, better posture, proper body awareness and access whole body conditioning that can be hard to achieve with other forms of exercise.Let’s take a look at why Pilates is so successful and why we should all consider adding Pilate’s workouts to our lives.Having a strong core which is called the powerhouse in Pilates. Having a strong core is a crucial goal as the core of your body is the power station that supports the rest of your The benefits of a strong core area, smaller waistline, flat abs and a toned torso.Pilates really is for everyone, no matter stage you in life you are, Pilates can brin g great benefit with a dedication to practice. Pregnant, injured, inflexible, senior citizen â€" This is the exercise that breaks down barriers between people.Everyone suffers from stress these days, and it is important to practice anything that can help you overcome that. Pilate’s workouts reduce stress naturally, with a gentle, mindful, approach.The importance of the connection between body and mind are central to the Pilates Pilates works to create a strong and healthy mind-body connection.Take classes on yoga near me here..Young and old are frequenting Pilate’s studios worldwide to get better health, better posture and proper body awareness.Photo Source: UnsplashThe Pilates Workouts For BeginnersPilates is a great workout, and one of the best things about it is that it is accessible, flexible and popular. You can buy Pilates DVDs, go to Pilates classes, have private training with a Pilates instructor or watch Pilate’s videos online. How you choose to practice is much less important than the fact that you dedicate yourself to practising. Let’s look at the 3 great Pilates videos that you can follow at home for free.Popular Pilates Videos On YouTubeMost Popular Pilates Video for BeginnersPOP Pilates for Beginners | 17 mins longCassey Ho has created an epic Pilates workout video, specially recorded for beginners. This workout video introduces Pilates and breaks everything down step by step. The principles of Pilates are introduced, and Cassey is patient in explaining and coordinating them with her movements. All muscle groups get a strong workout in this full body workout video, and you also get the opportunity to learn body awareness and how to connect your mind and body. This video is one of the most watched Pilates videos on YouTube with over 10 Million views.Watch the video - HereBest Stress Relieving Pilates Workout VideoYoga Pilates Blend for Flexibility Stress Relief | 35 Mins longKelly is the Pilates teacher in this video, and she starts the c lass focused on the discipline of relaxation. The class begins by bringing your attention to any stress or strains that you may be experiencing in your life. She guides us to let go of the stress with our minds and then our bodies by leading the breath and bringing awareness of how stress is creating disconnection in the body. This workout video is perfect additional to your exercise program, and Kelly is careful to guide you to have body control by not overextending yourself. This session also blends some yoga elements so you can benefit from Pilates and yoga in this video, which is a fun, de-stressing and enjoyable way to practice Pilates at home.Watch the video - HereBest Pilates Video For Weightloss And Slimming DownBody Slimming Workout | 17 Mins LongCassey Ho leads us through a full body workout in this Pilates class. Aimed at helping us to lose weight, every movement that she has chosen in this workout video is dedicated to weight loss and improving your weight loss results. Cassey drops the bomb when she tells you that you better take part if you want to get results. This Pilates video is clear, easy to follow and focuses on working out your full body.   Cassey shares tips on how to incorporate the exercises into your routine so that you can experience the results that you are looking for. She combines Pilate’s moves that not only aim to strengthen, sculpt and tone your body but Cassey also bring emphasis to increase your body awareness. You don’t need any Pilate’s equipment to get started, so grab your Pilates mat.Watch the video - HereAll you need to get started with Pilates is a good yoga mat, some comfortable clothing and a Pilate’s instructor. So what are you waiting for?

4 Educational Family Field Trips

4 Educational Family Field Trips Educational family field trips are an excellent option for students to interact with the world and their surroundings in a new way. Family field trips also provide a change of scenery and bonding time that are great for all parties involved. Educational family field trips may include trips to historic parks, local farms, or a number of other local events that cater to this purpose for kids. The following are four educational family field trips that can get you and your family out of the house, and your bodies and minds working! Field Trip Idea #1: Museums You might start out with childrens museums that provide kid-centered activities and exhibits, but dont limit yourself to just those. Regular museums will often have some programming geared toward kids or have rooms that are especially kid-friendly; ask someone who works at the museum to point you to them, or do some research online before you go. Regular exhibits that dont necessarily target children can also provide a great learning experience with your guidance. [RELATED: Educational Road Trip Games for the Whole Family] Discuss any ground rules and limit yourself to a few exhibits. At art museums, for example, which may seem daunting with their quietness, encourage your child to ask questions about artwork and discuss reactions to what he or she sees. You might set up a scavenger hunt or bring a sketchbook to engage your child. Dont forget about smaller museums that are specific to your town, as well as zoos, aquariums, and planetariums. The may offer summer learning programs your child can explore as well, if you wish to keep those in mind. Field Trip Idea #2: Local farms Check out working farms in your area for a new experience for your child. This can include any place that grows food, such as: dairy farms apple orchards pumpkin patches maple syrup farms grain mills Consider what time of year is best for the particular farm you choose; depending on when, you might be able to see seasonal-specific operations like cider-making or harvesting. Besides learning more about how food is made, your children may be able to engage in hands-on activities, like milking cows or goats, collecting eggs, or interacting with animals at a petting zoo. If you live in a city, you might be able to check out an urban garden or an indoor hydroponic garden. Field Trip Idea #3: Parks and botanical gardens Look into local, state, or national parks near you for a nature hike, or an afternoon on the beach or by the water. For a fee, you might be able to canoe or kayak if theres a body of water. Inquire ahead of time or stop by the visitors center to see if they offer any programming geared toward indigenous plants and animals. A park ranger or someone who works at the visitors center will often be able to suggest what to do and see around the park, depending on your childrens interests. Botanical gardens, sometimes attached to a park and sometimes standalone, can offer a different range of flowers and plants that your child may have never seen. You might be able to find a butterfly garden where you and your family can match pictures of butterflies to those flying around above you. Dont forget about greenhouses and underground caverns as well. Field Trip Idea #4: Local cultural arts events See what live performances are happening in your town, like theater, dance, ballet, a concert or recital, or opera. Check out films shown by your local library (often, theyll have kids days or nights) or by a local college. In addition to being a fun way to go out together as a family, your child can learn more about different kinds of arts and expression. Your town or city is likely to have festivals and outdoor art shows as wellsometimes based around holidays or specific cultureswhich often have activities and arts-and-crafts stations for kids. Plus, they are excellent places to stroll around and get to know local artists and community members. When learning starts to feel stuffy inside your house or in the classroom, it can be time to get out as a family and engage with places and spaces in your greater community. Dont forget to research fun and engaging activities to keep students learning over the summer, too! There are endless opportunities if you do a little digging and get creative. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.

What is it Like to Attend Kent State University

What is it Like to Attend Kent State University Ryan earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Teaching, specifically in Integrated Mathematics, from Kent State University. As a tutor, he specializes in multiple areas of math tutoring. Read on for his college experience interview about his time at Kent State University. Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Ryan: The Kent State campus was a somewhat rural setting but is quickly becoming urbanized due to booming growth and development. There were lots of busing services available on the campus because it was relatively large. Many students also traveled on bikes or even skateboards/scooters. Parking was tight on and around the university, so not many people brought their vehicles. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Ryan: Professors were always willing to stay and talk privately after class, but many required to set a meeting during office hours. Advisers always required an appointment. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Ryan: Dorm life depended upon which dorm you got placed into. Some were newer and very nice. Others, were small and less luxurious. Dining at Kent was very good! There were many options and well-known chain restaurants. Socialization was very prevalent. There were lots of clubs and student groups. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Ryan: Kent is known mostly for fashion, teaching, and architectural programs. I studied integrated mathematics and got my teaching license. Kent supported their teachers very well and gave us many opportunities. They also worked very well with us when assigning our student teaching opportunities. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Ryan: Very easy to meet new friends at Kent. Also they made sure that freshmen got involved in the community through a freshman-specific course that everyone took. Greek life wasnt overall very popular, however it was present. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Ryan: Kent States student center was very helpful. There were student services that would answer any questions. They also held job fairs for students that had recently or planned to graduate soon. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Ryan: The library could become very crowded, during finals/midterms, but dorm lounges were always available and students were always having study sessions to help each other out. Describe the surrounding town. Ryan: Kent is a beautiful, historic town. The locals are very friendly and proud of their town. There are many things to do in the area with a great night life. Many restaurants, gyms, clubs, and taverns. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Ryan: The student bodies were large and are continuing to expand. The class sizes ranged depending on what class you were taking. Lectures could have upwards of 100 or 200 students. But my higher level math classes were about 20 to 30 at most. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Ryan: An elective class that I took sophomore year 7 Ideas that Shook the Universe had an amazing professor that I will never forget. He always had us engaged and laughing during class. Check out Ryans tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Italian Language Certifications How to Validate your Level

Italian Language Certifications How to Validate your Level Learning Italian for Must-Have Certifications ChaptersWhat is a CILS?Why Sit for PLIDA?What Do You Need DITALS for?Discover the CIC!You are in love with la lingua d'Italia. From buongiorno to buona notte, everything is molto  bello, che meraviglia, come perfettamiente Italiano!Are you taking Italian language lessons for the pleasure of it, or did you have some greater purpose in mind?Anyone with a vocational need for speaking Italian must prove language qualification, at whatever level s/he is required to or capable of.The certifications we introduce in this article are all targeted to non native Italian speakers who, for academic or other official reasons, seek immersion into the language of Dante.CILS has the same number of steps, or levels, as CEFRL Source: Pixabay Credit: Coolfinger the test taker may find himself confronted with dialects (versus the expected Standard Italian, for example). Pronunciation is likely to be only minimally fluid.Level B2 represents high-intermediate ability to speak and understand Italian. At thi s point, the non native speaker should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary and be able to converse in Italian with little to no difficulty.Levels C1 (fluent in the language) and C2 (mastery of the language) designate students of Italian who have deep comprehension of language mechanics as well as a near-native speaker vocabulary.The Italian speaker at C levels will have absorbed the art of communicating non-verbally in Italian â€" body language, and uses proper tone and inflection.Testing at these levels would include aspects of Italian culture and history, as well as global concerns that impact Italy.No matter what level of Italian speaking you qualify  for, your exam will test two major aspects of your language ability:1. Reading comprehension, measured through an array of more or less advanced or technical passages.2. Oral skills, including speaking and listening. Here, a proctor will engage you in conversation, or a discussion over more formal matters. You may also have to gi ve a short discourse over a prompted subject.In all, this exam covers the four fundamental areas of language learning, during which your fluency and use of Italian will be constantly assessed.For more information on when, where and how to take this exam, you should direct yourself to the Italian Cultural Institute nearest you.Passing the CILS is a tangible validation of your Italian mastery, recognised by the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs and by universities from Genoa to Sardinia.Since the inception of this exam in 1993, more than one hundred thousand candidates have earned their credentials.Counting yourself among that number would indeed be a heady accomplishment.Why Sit for PLIDA?That acronym stands for Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri, which translates in English to: Projects for Italian Language Dante Alighieri.The result of this exam's successful completion is a diploma issued by the Dante Alighieri Society, an institute designed to promote Italian culture arou nd the world.It is recognised by the highest authorities in Italy, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education; by universities and research institutes throughout the country.It is also accepted by the Italian Ministry of Labour, meaning that this credential on your CV will most certainly enhance your job prospects, were you to want to relocate to Genoa or Venice, to enjoy that fabled Italian lifestyle!This exam is also formatted and graduated to conform to CEFRL, reflecting 6 progressive levels.In keeping with the CILS, the PLIDA addresses all four areas of language learning: listening and speaking skills, and the ability to read and write proficiently.To make the Italian language more relevant at more accessible to a greater segment of language learners, this certification process has diversified into:Junior PLIDA, designed for the learner aged 13 to 18. The exam format is perhaps gentler than the standard test, using methods that younger learners would recognis e and feel comfortable with.Successful completion of this exam ranges from A1 to C1 levelsBusiness PLIDA addresses the Italian language needs of anyone in commerce or industry: banks and international trade, among others.This exam will certify successful candidates at B1, B2, and C1 levels.You can prepare for PLIDA in several different ways:by taking courses that address this exam specificallyby engaging a private tutor to work with you at homeby participating in Italian language courses elsewhereby joining Italian expats in your cityThat last one may well be the best way to learn Italian and steep yourself in the culture!Manchester would be the place to go for full membership and participation in the Dante Alighieri Society. It is the only campus in the UK where you can sit for the exam.After paying a nominal fee of £19 for annual membership, you could take Italian courses for as low as £89, plus the cost of the textbook.The campus also offers tutoring expressly for the PLIDA.For more information â€" including the fee schedule and the official registration form, please refer to Manchester's dedicated site.Teach Italian anywhere in the world with your DITALS certification Source: Pixabay Credit: Mary1826What Do You Need DITALS for?The two previously detailed exams would appear to certify every aspect of Italian language learning for speakers of other languages.If so, what is the purpose of this exam?This test is also sponsored by the University of Siena, but it addresses a very specific slice of the population who speak Italian as a second language, namely: those who wish to teach Italian.For this certification, your Italian language skills are only half of the evaluation.DITALS will test your ability to impart Italian language instruction to diverse populations.You can qualify as one of two stages:Level 1 certifies you to teach Italian to a specific group: adolescents, college-level learners, adults, Italian for business, etc.Level 2 is a much higher qualif ications process, generally for people who have substantial experience in teaching.Besides a profound knowledge of Italian language and culture, a qualifying DITALS score involves teaching methodology, demonstrated in a real classroom setting.Hence, it is essential to be well prepared.This exam is only administered in Milan.As you would have to travel to Italy for this exam, why not matriculate at the venerable Leonardo da Vinci school, for a preparatory course?There, you can mingle with other student teachers, observe their teaching and communication styles, and benefit from course instructors, who are the most qualified mentors of test candidates.Drawing from their experience is the best way to prepare for this exam.Be sure to tell them grazie mille for all of their help!Discover the CIC!The University of Perugia sponsors this professional degree course. Of the four certifications discussed in this article, the CIC is the most highly valued by the commerce and industry sector.As w ith the previously-discussed exam, the CIC offers two levels of certification:CIC Intermediate corresponds to level BI on the CEFRL. Mid-level managers, and others who deal with operational issues in business would seek this qualificationCIC Advanced is designed for business leaders; those who plan and discuss strategy with their Italian counterparts. Any executive working with an Italian firm would need this degree of certification.For both qualifications levels, the exam comes in five parts:Oral comprehension (listening skills) is deduced by a proctor, speaking in technical terms. Among the discourse the candidate may encounter vocabulary from regional dialects, and other advanced Italian words and phrases.Oral expression involves the test taker expounding on a topic relevant to business, using the most advanced, professional vocabulary at his disposal. Italian pronunciation is also assessed.Writing skills: the candidate is tasked with composing a passage relating to business. Wor d choice â€" nouns and adjectives, verb usage, grammar and sentence structure are all evaluated.Reading comprehension is determined by discussing a few passages relating to business.Grammar and Vocabulary, as it relates to business: technical terms and knowledge of current industry trends score highly in this portion of the examYou can parlare with the University of Perugia staff who direct this programme for more information, including testing dates.That worthy may put you in contact with the Italian Institute for Culture in the UK, for extra help and tutelage.For an expat in Italy, success comes through a CIC! Source: Pixabay Credit: Open ClipartThe Acronym RoundupIf you intend to use your Italian language courses for more than a holiday trip to Italy, it would be advisable to obtain a certification that would endorse your Italian language ability.For the professional, the Business PLIDA or CIC would be advised.Conversely, exchange students wishing to do at semester at the prestig ious Sapienza University of Rome would be better represented with a DITALS or CILS certificate.Concerning CILS or PLIDA, it is important to test at, or close to your level.As time and money are always vital considerations, it would be best to not under- or overestimate your skill.To properly assess you level of Italian learning, you could test your Italian language ability online.These certifications are not easy to come by.With due appreciation of your love for this romance language, we recommend that you help yourself to an additional Italian language course or two.You might cast about for free lessons online, download an app that will permit to you chat with native speakers of Italian, or even participate in cultural events such as film festivals or cooking classes.What if you just started to learn how to speak Italian?The bottom line is:As you learn to speak Italian â€" or even if you have an entire lexicon of Italian phrases memorised, you should cast an eye toward these certif ications.Your learning experience should logically result in practical usage of your second language.Whether your Italian studies lead to a CILS or PLIDA; or if your phrasebook contains the vernacular suitable for a DITALS or CIC, your resume will be all the better for you speaking Italian fluently.Bene, caro: andiamo!Find your own private tutor on Superprof to help you master the Italian language:Italian lessons LeedsItalian courses LondonLearn Italian online